This summer has seen a great harvest coming from the Common Grounds Gardens at Kariong. The gardens have been producing an abundance of cucumbers, zucchinis, eggplants, tomatoes, pumpkins, and our usual year round supply of delicious organically grown salad greens and herbs.
This summer has been one of the driest on record but thanks to the principals of Permaculture the gardens have stood up to the harsh climate this year with our clever use of mulching, water harvesting, added nutrients from our worm farms, and our own weed teas.
Other great developments at Common Grounds are the addition of a larger chook enclosure, which will allow our friendly fowl to free range in a larger area. Remember, happy chooks makes healthy eggs and not to mention the work they do preparing compost ingredients for us.
Speaking of compost, at Common Grounds we have recently built six new compost bays made from Australian hardwood timbers. The timber was chosen to ensure the bays will last for years to come and the design itself was a joint work by the passionate staff at the gardens. The design was to ensure adequate airflow and the control of moisture to allow the natural microbes to go about their business of making great soil. The timbers for the bays were kindly donated by Walker Brothers Timber to which we are immensely grateful. It is wonderful to have such great local support from the central coast community and all our participants benefit directly from these added resources to our programs. Our vegies love it too!